FAQs for Kilifi, Kenya

Tell anyone you're coming sailing in Kenya and they'll no doubt make a joke about Somali pirates and/or Al Shaabab and then (if you're British) inform you that your government states that you cannot come to Kenya!

If you'd like to know a little more about the FACTs of life here, rather than the gossip ... then read on:

Security: Kilifi Creek is a sleepy backwater, away from major cities and far from the Somali border. Its a peaceful friendly area with a huge amount to see and enjoy. The local area is safe for walking and cycling around and, subject to the standard precautions of not flashing large wads of cash in any direction, is a safe area to visit.

A good guideline is to make a quick check on the  FCO website will keep you up to date on all things Kenya and show you a handy map to help you see where to avoid on your trip. It will also show you that the British Government HAS NOT said 'You can't go to Kenya' and so your travel insurance is still valid for a trip to Kilifi. Nice.


Whats it like:

Mnarani and Kilifi are small town places. Mnarani is a small Giriama village and Kilifi is a bustling market town. We have provided a bigger view on how life is here on our local information pages:



Local Amenities


How to get here:

International Flights - Scheduled flights to Kenya run daily from all around the world. Check out offerings from Kenya Airways, British Airways, Ethiopian Airways, Turkish Airways, and Emirates.

Domestic Flights - The nearest airports are Malindi and Mombasa. Transfer from Mombasa thats about 1 hour 30 minutes, transfer from Malindi takes 1 hour. The transfer from Malindi is by far the more pleasant of the two and keeps you well away from the traffic and noise of Mombasa Town.

Flight providers are: Kenya Airways, Fly540 and JamboJet.


What to Bring: Its hot hot and hot here which is what makes watersports such a pleasure - no wetsuit to hold you back just barefeet and boardshorts all the way! Bring plenty of sunscreen, a rashvest for keeping covered whilst on the water, light clothing for the evenings - long sleeves if you're a mozzie magnet but otherwise a healthy dose of repellent will be plenty good enough.


Injections: If you're heading to the tropics for the first time there will be a few things you need to do. Head to your local GP or nearest Travel Clinic at least a month before your hols to get yourself prepared.


Money: The local currency is Kenyan shillings. Expect local shops, market stalls, beach vendors to all charge in shillings (do not expect them to take Visa!). You'll find cash machines in Kilifi Town that are safe to use.